

International scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of radiobiology, agroecology, clinical and experimental veterinary surgery"

dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Academician of the Russian Academy of Agricultural Sciences Alexei Dmitrievich Belov, the first president of the MAAO, on the basis of the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - M.I. Scriabin "

October 18-20, 2018

Scientific and Practical Congress "Legal and organizational mechanisms for the implementation of the Strategy for improving the quality of food products in the Russian Federation until 2030"

in Gostiny Dvor in Moscow under the auspices of the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management

April 9, 2017

International Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Education in the Light of Import Substitution and Ensuring National Food Security"

dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Bashkir Institute of Technology and Management “MSTU named after K.G. Razumovsky (PKU), Meleuz

April 23, 2015