On November 13, 2020, a children's sports festival was held at the Izmailovo KSK! The Honorary President of MAAO Larionova Irina Sergeevna established the Cup of the Equestrian Club "LAIR" at the dressage competition for the youngest athletes (children from 3 years old). For such kids, the Federation of Children's Equestrian Sports of the Russian Federation offers a special test - "Test landing on the line", where children demonstrate the step and trot on a pony. For entertainment, the organizers came up with the idea of holding a competition in costumes. Each participant selected music for his performance to create an image (dressage in this version is called "KYR"). Pupils of orphanages, rehabilitation centers, and everyone was invited to watch the tournament. The competition was accompanied by a large charitable program: master classes, shows, treats, excursions on the topic: “Horse. Let's get acquainted!". Under the leadership of I.S. Larionova CC "St. Prince Vladimir "at the Temple in the village. Synkovo prepared a demonstration performance "Hunting" with greyhounds.