Congratulations to Valery Ivanovich Kiryushin on his anniversary

March 21, 2021

Valery Ivanovich Kiryushin has an anniversary!

On behalf of the Presidium of the International Academy of Agrarian Education and on my own behalf, I cordially congratulate you on the ANNIVERSARY !!!!

Your whole life is an example of selfless service to the Motherland, to your cause! And your deeds, dear Valery Ivanovich, are truly impressive: you have passed the way from a graduate of the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev to Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

We know you, Valery Ivanovich, as an amazing person with tremendous creative energy, courage, originality of judgments and statements. I am amazed at your extraordinary abilities, which you show, skillfully combining state, scientific and pedagogical, organizational and social work. Your high erudition, great practical experience and knowledge are widely known on the international scientific and educational platform. Working in various fields of activity, you devote a lot of energy and effort to the implementation of the agrarian reform, the development of scientific and technological progress and education in the agro-industrial complex.

Your multifaceted and fruitful activity has been awarded with departmental and state awards. The results of your scientific, organizational and social activities show that you have justified your "ticket to life" in full!

We wish you, Valery Ivanovich, to remain faithful to your fate, to preserve your integrity and purposefulness in your multifaceted activity for the good of the Motherland, we wish you good health, long life and prosperity!

President of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, Professor, State Counselor of the Russian Federation, former Head of the Central Administration of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia M.F. Trifonova

March 21, 2021