OSIPOVA GALINA STEPANOVNA Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Professor of the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University, Academician of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, International Academy of Informatization. Under the leadership of G.S. Osipova defended 12 doctoral and candidate dissertations. The results of theoretical research and practical recommendations are presented in more than 200 works, the textbook “Vegetable growing of protected ground. Galina Stepanovna teaches a number of disciplines in the field of agronomy: vegetable growing in protected ground, industrial technologies for the production of vegetables in open, protected ground, industrial technologies for the production of mushrooms, selection and seed production of agricultural plants, the basics of plant biotechnology, etc. In 2021, Galina Stepanovna with her student Kondratyev Vitaly Mikhailovich under a grant from the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, we received one million rubles for the development of elements of cultivation technology (selection of varieties, development of optimal lighting modes) of two-row thin-leaved, indau sowing, vegetable basil, vegetable spinach in full photoculture conditions.
As a result of the study, for the first time, varieties of two-rowed thin-leaved, indau sowing, vegetable basil were selected and optimal lighting modes were developed for growing on vertical farms in full photoculture conditions. Scientifically grounded recommendations for the use of modes of illumination of crops with low energy consumption were developed and varieties with high energy efficiency of the photosynthetic apparatus were selected.
The degree of implementation - the results of the research are used in the educational process and implemented in production.