The President of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Trifonova Maria Fedotovna, while visiting the Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter 1, presented Lyudmila Anatolyevna Zaporozhtseva with a diploma and a certificate of an academician of the MAAO.
L.A. Zaporozhtseva won recognition among scientists and practitioners for research in the field of financial sustainability and economic security of commercial organizations; developed an original scenario for the formation of a strategy for the socio-economic development of rural areas, used in strategic planning in the Voronezh region. She proposed options for development strategies, including a sustainable development strategy; moderate development strategy; strategy of chaotic development. A differentiated mechanism and variable tools for making strategic decisions have been developed. Lyudmila Anatolyevna is the author of more than 150 scientific and educational-methodical works, including 2 textbooks, 5 monographs, has 3 copyright certificates, is actively involved in training personnel for the agro-industrial complex and educating young people.