Work with students from among the disabled and people with disabilities

Enroll in a course




15000 руб.


Sergeeva Nadezhda Alexandrovna

Corresponding member of the International Public Organization "International Academy of Agricultural Education"

The program "Work with students from among the disabled and people with disabilities" is intended for managers, teachers of educational institutions of the agro-industrial complex (VO, SPO, DPO). The program reveals Federal laws that secure the status of disabled people and people with disabilities, their right to education and choice of profession. General characteristics of functional disorders and psychological and pedagogical characteristics of students with disabilities and disabilities of all nosologies are given. Special educational needs are considered, technologies of psychological and pedagogical support of students with visual, hearing and musculoskeletal disorders are proposed, and the concept and structure of special educational conditions for students with disabilities and people with disabilities are revealed. Students will become familiar with an inclusive environment, the requirements for creating a barrier-free environment for an educational institution of higher education.