About Academy

The international public organization "International Academy of Agrarian Education" (IAAO) is a voluntary public association created to promote the development of the science of agricultural education, improve the quality of training, retraining and use of scientific and pedagogical personnel, young scientists and specialists with agricultural education, the development of fundamental and priority applied research of the agro-industrial complex.



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President of the International Public Organization "International Academy of Agricultural Education", candidate of biological sciences, doctor of agricultural sciences, professor TRIFONOVA MARIA FEDOTOVNA

M.F. Trifonova is a well-known scientist in the field of using physical factors to increase the productivity of field crops. She developed the theoretical foundations for a fundamentally new direction of using low-energy physical factors in crop production.

As a result of her research, she published more than 300 works, including 11 books, 28 textbooks and manuals with the signatures of the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Agriculture of the USSR, the RSFSR, 8 patents for inventions were received.

Working in responsible positions in the central office of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture, the USSR State Agroprom, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia, as a consultant in the Secretariat of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia, as an advisor in the Office of the President of the Russian Federation
M.F. Trifonova skillfully combined state, scientific and pedagogical, social activities, contributing to the formation of creative teams in agricultural universities in promising areas of science and personnel training, their integration with research institutions of the Academy of Sciences, universities of other departments, foreign countries. During the years of work as the head of the scientific research department of the USSR Ministry of Agriculture, the Main Directorate of universities of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, M.F. Trifonova made a significant contribution to the development and reform of higher agricultural education, improving educational, methodological and scientific work. Under the leadership and direct participation of M.F. Trifonova created a university-academic system for training specialists and scientific and pedagogical personnel for the agro-industrial complex.

Ilyazov Robert Giniyatullovich - Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Full Member of the International Union of Radio Ecology, Academician (MAI, MAPN, MAAO, CAS), IAEA expert, Covaler of the Order of Courage, General Director SPC "Liposomal Technologies" (Kazan)

M.F. Trifonova is widely known, she has earned a high prestige among scientists in Russia and foreign countries. M.F. Trifonova - Honorary Doctor of St. Petersburg State and Gedelevsky (Hungary) Agrarian Universities, Honorary Professor of Voronezh, Orenburg, Umansky (Ukraine) State Agrarian Universities, Saratov State Agricultural Engineering University, Moscow State University of Nature Development, Kurgan State Agricultural Academy, Kostanakhaya State Academy of Engineering, Kazakhstan full member of the Petrovskaya Academy of Sciences and Arts, the International Academy of Ecology and Life Safety, the International Academy of Informatization in General Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council, Corresponding Member of the International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Education and Culture; honorary member of the National Academy of Environmental Sciences of the Republic of Moldova. She was elected President of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, President of the Department of Agricultural Science and Education of the International Academy of Informatization in General Consultative status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

Opening of the International Conference of the IAAO. MAAO President M.F. Trifonova, President of the St. Petersburg regional branch of MAAO V.G. Enikeev and President of the Szczecin branch of the MAAO A. Mitskevich, Szczecin, Poland

M.F. Trifonova has government and departmental awards, was awarded the badge of honor "For excellent success in the field of higher education in the USSR" by the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education and the badge "Honorary Worker of Higher Education of Russia"; she was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of the Higher School of the Russian Federation", "Honored Worker of the International Higher Agrarian School", awarded the Order of Friendship.

The International Academy of Agrarian Education is called upon to actively promote the development of agricultural education and science, the integration of the scientific and pedagogical community to create a single educational space. The Academy operates in the territories of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Kazakhstan, Poland, Germany, the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Ukraine and other states. The Academy in its activities is guided by the Constitution, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law and the Charter of the Academy.

The Academy operates on the basis of the principles of self-government, voluntariness, equality of members, legality, transparency, democracy, independence of science, alternative solutions to scientific and educational problems, links between science, education and practice. MAAO participates in the certification and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, organizes, in the manner prescribed by law, higher educational institutions, departments and research organizations for the purpose of training specialists, conducts educational and scientific activities, publishes scientific, popular science, educational and methodological, advertising and other literature, institutes prizes, medals, scholarships and other awards and encouragements for outstanding work in the field of science and agricultural education. MAAO creates regional branches, branches and representative offices. MAAO promotes the integration of scientific forces for the implementation of international programs in the field of ecology, biology, biotechnology, genetics, breeding, crop production, agriculture, reclamation, mechanization, electrification, chemicalization and plant protection, land management, economics and management of the agro-industrial complex, livestock and veterinary medicine, radiophysics, biophysics and radio engineering.

Rector of the Regional Kostanay University named after A. Baitursynova, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences A.M. Nematov, Rector of Kostanay State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Geography, Professor K.M. Baimyrzaev, President of MAAO M.F. Trifonova, rector of the Moscow State Agrarian University named after V.P. Goryachkina, full member of MAAO A.M. Sysoev at a meeting with the rector of the Kostanay Engineering and Economic University named after M. Dulatova, Doctor of Economics, Professor S. B. Ismuratov, Moscow, RF

MAAO is a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, owns separate property and an independent balance sheet, can, on its own behalf, acquire property and personal rights, bear obligations and make transactions, conclude agreements and contracts.

The Academy operates on the basis of the principles of legality, publicity, democracy, independence of science, alternative solutions to scientific and educational problems, links between science, education and practice.

Presentation of the diploma of the academician of the MAAO, Professor Jagjit Hare Embassy of the Russian Federation in Delhi, India

The main areas of activity of the MAAO are the development and implementation of a strategy for the development of agrarian education based on the latest scientific achievements, solving the problems of training and retraining of scientific and pedagogical personnel for the agro-industrial sector that meet international standards, improving the quality of the educational process; development of fundamental and applied research in the agro-industrial sector.

The main emphasis in the entire diverse and multi-level system of education and scientific research is placed on the quality of education, and this, of course, stems from modern concepts of training specialists. Research in the field of ensuring the modernization of vocational education is focused on solving theoretical and methodological problems of improving the quality of scientific and methodological support for vocational education. Cooperation of universities with production, scientific institutions is expressed in joint educational and production activities, the subject of which is the targeted training of specialists in various fields, conducting practical training, employment of graduates, strengthening the material and technical base of universities, etc.

Russian President V.V. Putin awards Doctor of Agricultural Sciences Sci., Professor G.A. The old state award "Honored Worker of Agriculture of the Russian Federation" Moscow, Russian Federation.

The members of the academy carry out purposeful work to introduce innovations into teaching based on the use of modern achievements of science and modern technologies: methods of problem-based and projected teaching, research methods, training and other forms of classes that ensure the actualization of the creative potential and independence of students. With the active participation of full members of the academy, one of the first joint programs for the preparation of masters in the field of agricultural engineering and in the profile of the master of engineering and technology in agricultural engineering was created in Russia, which is also being implemented at the French university AGROSUP (Dijon). The program is licensed by the Ministries of Agriculture of Russia and France, certified by state diplomas of these countries.

Chairman of the MAAO Department for Land Management, Rector of the State University for Land Management, Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician of MAAO, Doctor of Economics. Sci., Professor S.N. Volkov and Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II during the illumination of the university house church in Moscow.

Pilot training programs for Russian students have been organized in Russia at universities in the USA, Germany, France, China and other countries. The analysis of the work of the IAO members testifies to active research on the problems of effective organizational and economic mechanisms for the development of vocational education, on the creation of a methodology for educational standards, the implementation of integrated programs, in the development and implementation of educational technologies in various structures of vocational education - from training the unemployed to continuing education and retraining, with higher and secondary special education; are involved in the development of a labor monitoring system.