General pathology problems in veterinary medicine and education

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25 000 руб.


Baimatov Valery Nurmukhametovich

Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (1991), Professor (1993), Corresponding Member (1995), Academician (2008) of the International Academy of Agrarian Education, Academician of the International Academy of Veterinary Sciences (1996)

The program "Problems of General Pathology in Veterinary Medicine and Education" reflects general pathological processes: inflammation, fever, swelling, impaired peripheral circulation, metabolism, etc. in different species of animals. All this is implemented taking into account molecular, immunological, histochemical, cellular and organ pathology. Knowing this and possessing such skills, it is easier to generalize the obtained data, interpret them and draw conclusions. All of this is essential for the performance of any practical, theoretical or experimental work.